enrique meiggs industrial park callao peru, telephone exchange: fax:, mm gutter, mm gutter, remote location, interior lighting circuit, perimeter lighting circuit, circuit lighting, circuit lighting gallery air ga., tunnel lighting circuit, reserve circuit, mm gutter, mm gutter, mm gutter, interior lighting circuit, interior front panel, front panel, section, front panel with apron, section, list of teams, item, description, unity, quantity, molded box vacuum switch poles, characteristics, din copper platinum nude, grooved groove with cabinet lid ral step mm section, hex head bolt with washers, hex head bolt with washer nut, metal plate thickness metal plate e: mm, thermomagnetic thermocouple switch type din din rail, thermomagnetic thermocouple switch type din din rail, thermomagnetic thermocouple switch type din din rail, tag, thermomagnetic thermocouple switch type din din rail, contactor, contactor Rev., draft, Format, description, plane number, date, rev., Notes:, description, flat, rev., scale:, plane number:, date:, metric scale, designed, reviewed, drawn, approved, Provider plan number:, elab., design, rev., approve, detail engineering, designer:, client, approve, approved, approve, plant, section, distribution board vac tm warehouse for smcv, industrial, controls, s.a.c., of. Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):